I'm Jumping for joy I'm very excited to post for one of our wonderful ladies on our YOYO along Yahoogroups. **Pat from NY** she was nice to share her gorgeous quilt very different and sooooo cool.
Hi... been yoyoing for a long time...One of my newest ideas was to attach the yoyos to a quilt of denim squares from used blue jeans....It was so much fun to do...cant wait to do more...Still might add some more decorative embroidery...
each square before sewn together was 8 1/2 inches .attached the yoyos before sewing together...blind stitch or a blanket stitched them on...It was creative something different on every square. If you want I can take a close up picture. Thanks for sharing the ideas..I am so glad I found your site.....I thought I was the only NUT in the world hooked on yoyoing..Pat from L.I....new york.and where are you from...?

I am still working on putting buttons on the 4 corners..
Always wanted to make a denim quilt from old blue jeans..Been saving for a long time..also Tag sales found some goodies..
Have made purses from the tiny kids sizes. another project another tale to tell.
I did not have a clue what I was going to do..
Had the denim...cut it in pieces 8 1/2 " square..Had yoyos made
they were left over from a quilt I just finished with 1368 yo's
made with the clover large yoyo maker...love it..but next time will use Xlarge yoyo maker..
I played and placed the yoyos all different ways on the squares..no plan ahead just created as I went.......I so enjoyed every minute of it...for I love to Embroider also..as I pinned in place...I stitched with embroidery floss around the first yoyos in a blanket stitch....or blind stitched and used a chain stitch with floss in a bright color around each yo yo or the center......the more I did the more ideas popped into my head...took me a month to make this quilt......I sewed the squares together
with the grain going one way then the other...like a checkerboard...sewed in a strip...then put the strips together...
matching the corners to my surprise was great...I really made sure all were the exact same size....
I am retired.... and do have plenty of spare time, keeping cool...when it is too hot to adventure out shopping etc...
I used the pockets on the quilt,,, Thinking I could hide a treasure ( beany baby) in the pocket to surprise my youngest Grandaughter...I did not use any batting for the denim is heavy......and I dont have a clue how to sandwich it in between like layers...I only used a cotton print for the backing...
It is my first denim yoyo quilt....and cant wait to start another....
So happy to be able to share my creation..
Cant wait to start another as soon as this one is completely finished......
Happy yoyoing,
Pat from N.Y.
Thank you Pat!!!!!
So what do you say beautiful huh please leave a comment we love to hear from ya...kat